Hydrogen production at megawatt levels generates significant heat that needs to be dissipated in a controlled and efficient manner to keep production processes stable and extend the life of the equipment. Choosing the right cooling technology is crucial to keep the temperature in the plants at an optimal level while minimising energy consumption.
HydrogenCooler - Cooling technology for electrolysis plants
The amount of heat lost within the electrolysis process varies depending on the type and design of the electrolyser. These systems may be based on alkaline electrolysis (AEL), proton exchange membrane electrolysis (PEM), high-temperature electrolysis (HTE) or anion exchange membrane electrolysis (AEM). The excess heat must be dissipated by cooling in order to keep the stack within the desired temperature range. In addition, heat dissipation is required to compress the hydrogen that is produced. In small systems, the electrolyser and compressor can be cooled separately. For larger systems, the use of a central cooling system is recommended.
In order to achieve a hydrogen purity of up to 99.9%, the residual moisture (water vapour) is also condensed out of the hydrogen that is produced by means of a cooling unit.
FrigorTec offers a wide range of cooling units with a narrow range of specific outputs that are perfectly matched to the type of electrolyser. As part of a multi-year research project to optimise hydrogen production, we have developed solutions for various system sizes and variants. This means we can select the right solution for the respective on-site requirements and customise it as necessary.
DispenserCooler - Cooling technology for hydrogen refuelling stations
The temperature range required to cool hydrogen at refuelling stations varies depending on the application and the specific requirements of the respective systems.
A pressure of 700 bar is required for fuel cell cars. For a lorry equipped with a fuel cell, a pressure of 350 bar is required. The cooling temperature should be around -40°C with short-term fluctuations.
The cooling technology must be specially designed for this application so that it can react quickly and reliably to changing conditions, especially fluctuating loads. The sophisticated, modern cooling technology from FrigorTec guarantees efficient cooling performance. Our systems are based on a modular design that allows them to be flexibly customised in response to the prevailing conditions on site. They utilise an S7 Siemens control system that enables optimum process control as well as remote access to the control system and fault diagnosis.
- Made in Germany
- Extremly robust
- Quiet operation
- Easy operation
- Inernational service concept
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